In India corruption is the biggest culprit. We must tackle this monster to make progress.

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Corruption was big even in the US in early 1900s. Every country goes through this curve. As economy progresses, people earn more, they get educated further than previous generation and slowly corruption goes down. It's a natural curve.

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It and ites, continues to be a favored sector

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Also, India will go through a Premiumization trend with per capita income crossing a certain threshold.

I just wrote an article for myself just to remind that this trend has played out and will play out in future on a much larger scale - https://medium.com/@devangladchintu/premiumization-a-megatrend-1fa9e928acdf

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Great read! Looking forward to your writeup on specific industries and key investment opportunities within them

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India is a country that has disappointed both pessimists and optimists in the long term and I see no change in it. China will be the Super power US will be shadow of its past and India will be stuck due to extreme wealth inequality leading losers coming in power. I hope I am proven wrong but Stock Market cap isn't reality.

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How are you saying that the government is cash-rich when the fiscal deficit was at a record high of 9.5% ?

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Look at the GST collection of past 12 months and the growth.

Fiscal deficit tells you the difference between what govt is earning and what it is spending. Doesn't tell you anything about the quantum of increase in earnings and spends.

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pls review this answer as it is not a legitimate correct one

gst collection and privatization could be of the sources for income while it is spending more which can be seend buy fiscal deficit.it shows the clear picture.

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