Very well researched article sir 👏. It was delightful to read it

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Thank you for reading! Glad you like it

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Amazing; very detailed. Thanks a lot for doing such detailed research and sharing the same; knowing the fact that you also have a full time job !!

Following You even on Twitter. You really have superb analytical skills. Hats-off @tarH

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Thank you very much, support of people in the community like you, means a lot.

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awesome stuff !

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Best thing I read today. Simple, crisp, and informative.

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Thank you Tushar

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Nice and concise write up about fresh works. Do dive deep into other SaaS companies\future of the IT industry in India.

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Hi - Will be great if you can cover the listed ones as well and where will.it make sense to invest today . Also are there any unlisted opportunities that one can invest in today ?

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Amazing work Tar, would love a write up on Indian SaaS, especially listed ones.

If you inclued these points

1) TAM (By product)

2) Margin Profile

3) Cash Flows

4) Growth Drivers

5) Reinvestment rates

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Totally a new one for me . Read twice.. interesting one

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Thank you

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Usually in software industry customer switch will be the Moat u know, then how come new entrants will be threat for its growth

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Tar - Am a big fan of your work.

1. You have amazing skills.

2. The intention to share your with others makes you special.

Just one question. I did some basic research on this and was put off by the valuations and the fact that they do not make much money. As per you when do you think FRSH will start earning and when they do start will it be an explosive growth ? Is it even the right way to look at such companies ?

Thanks. And keep up the good work.

PS - I vaguely remember you mentioned UPST on one of your tweets. If so any plans ?

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Thank your reading! I don't think Freshworks will earn substantial profits anytime soon. They are very much in early growth phase and want to scale up to $1 Billion in ARR in next 5 years. After that it remains to be seen what Freshworks does with new products and services for their existing customers. At current valuation, I don't like the company enough to open a position.

UPST is one of my favorite companies and an opportunity that I regret missing. I think most of the opportunity is already priced in so if and when UPST goes through a lull period and provides margin of safety for me to invest, I will definitely open a position.

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Thank you

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Keep writing.. you are doing a great service for learners like us

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Thank you

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Very insightful.. would love to know the investment opportunities in this.. thank you

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Thank you

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Thanks for the great write up. Most of the companies are not listed. What is the easiest way for NRI investors with Dmat account in India to invest in unlisted companies. I am willing to take the risk of poor liquidity and other risks.

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Freshworks is listed on Nasdaq, you can read on how to invest in international companies here https://investkaroindia.substack.com/p/howtoinvestinternationally

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